Video de Gameplay de FEAR
Xboxyde, présent a la Game Conference a publié cette video de gameplay de la version xbox 360 de FEAR, cette video présente l'integralité de la démo xbox 360, même démo que celle sortie sur PC l'année derniere.
On peut constater que le portage est plutôt réussi :)
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Pour ceux qui douteraient encore de la qualité du portage PC - Xbox 360, voici un passage de la preview de Gamespot qui vous éclaircira bien sur la question ;)
In case you've been worrying that the Xbox 360 wouldn't be able to handle FEAR's demanding visuals...don't. We got to try the game in a nearly final state running in 720p, and it looked every bit as good as the PC version and ran at quite a smooth frame rate. In fact, it technically looked better--it seems the developers discovered they had a little extra performance to work with, so they've added high-dynamic range lighting, more-complicated particle systems, and higher-resolution textures to improve the look of the game in subtle but still effective ways. And you'll be able to get a brighter look at all those pretty environments on the Xbox 360, as the developers have made a small design tweak to your character's flashlight by giving it some extra battery life, so you'll be able to keep your surroundings illuminated for a bit longer before having to recharge.
--> Pour les anglophobes, voici l'essentiel : le jeu est même plus beau graphiquement parlant, que sur PC ;)
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